Monday, 9 September 2013

Where to go next? Investment allocations

There is a very old saying and theory that some investors 'sell in May and go away' ....usually with the plan that they return in early autumn to pick up where they left off and take new investment opportunities for the future period. Investing in real assets though should always be seen as a medium-longer term strategy, usually with the objective of investing for a 5+ year period.

The question however would be where to invest? Chapters Financial has always recommended diversity when investing, usually spreading any proposed investment across a range of funds to diversify risk and to offer the potential for returns based on a client’s attitude to investment risk. More information on our investment risk scale can be found here. Your view is also likely to be swayed by why you are investing, either for income generation, growth or a mix of the two, as an example.

Chapters Financial also maintains 'house views' on investment areas and the purpose of this blog is to share these with our readers as we enter the autumn season of 2013. Obviously, views can change quickly, with no individual advice being provided during the course of these current investment notes. You should take individual advice based on your own circumstances to meet your needs. Some of our current thinking is as follows:

Generic Investment Area
Current View
UK Equity Growth
UK Equity Income
Corporate Bonds
North America
Property (Commercial)
Emerging Markets (including BRICs)

There are many other investment areas and opportunities and you should seek individual advice on any specific areas you wish to consider. We would however recommend diversity across a range of areas.

The value of investments and pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed.

However you plan to invest, through pensions, SIPPS, ISAs, Investment Bonds, portfolios, Unit Trusts, OEICS and the like, Chapters  Financial can help you with your asset allocations with the aim of meeting your needs into the future. We recommend that investments and pensions should be regularly kept under review to ensure that your financial planning continues to meet your needs and attitude to investment risk.

No individual advice has been provided in the content of this blog. The team at Chapters Financial would be pleased to help you with your individual or business (SME) financial planning. Please contact us on 01483 578800

Keith Churchouse FPFS
ISO 22222 Certified Financial Planner
Chartered Financial Planner

Chapters Financial Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, number 402899

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